Posts in podcast interview
Adventure Attitude Podcast

Bay Area celebrity makeup artist and CEO of Pretty Girl Makeup,
Christina Flach joins us to talk about her amazing career, how she started the company and also an advocate for Sepsis awareness (her husband and pro tennis player Ken Flach passed in '18) plus how to be aware of this silent killer and she also shares very inspirational stories! Find out more about this very special lady at !

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Brand Ambassador Select Podcast

Joining us today is Celebrity Makeup Artist and creator and CEO of Pretty Girl Makeup, Christina Flach. Their mission is all about celebrating what is fun and Fabulous about being a GIRL. Christina shares must needed makeup tips and gives an inside look at being a Celebrity Makeup Artist. After loosing her husband Ken Flach, who was a four-time Grand Slam doubles champion to sepsis, Christina now raising public awareness of the danger of sepsis and partnered with Sepsis Alliance.

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Interview with Lori Cheadle

Last week we got a little more comfortable talking about death, and this week we are going to take it a step further and talk about grief, grace, and moving on after a tragedy. Today’s guest is no stranger to grief, and although she has been through the unimaginable on several occasions, she has navigated her grief with remarkable grace. Today’s show will provide tips and insight to anyone who feels swallowed up or paralyzed by their own sadness as well as helpful and lifesaving information about sepsis.

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Virtual Makeup Lessons with a Celebrity Makeup Artist

We are all trying our best to find our new normal, while at the same time looking something fun and productive to do during the Stay At Home Order.

I am sure each of your closets, garage, house and drawers are perfectly organized, so now what?

Each day, I am trying to do things that I normally don't have the time to do.

I must admit, I am used to going a million miles an hour being a Makeup Artist, Sepsis Advocate, Mother and being the CEO of Pretty Girl Makeup .

My photo shoots have all been put on hold, that my agent Brandi Moore of Artist Services has set up. The good news.. As soon as this passes, we will all be busy again and hopefully having learned some balance during this time. I have already seen that this "time out" is showing me that I need to slow down. Lesson learned Universe!

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