Should You Add Hyaluronic Acid to Your Skincare Routine? By: Katie Pierce

These are exciting times for skincare. Nowadays, there's almost always something one can do to enhance the appearance of their complexion. Advances in science and technology are enabling many to have smoother, clearer, and more beautiful skin. And among these remarkable developments is the discovery of ingredients that boost moisturization, such as hyaluronic acid. If you haven't tried this miracle molecule yet and are wondering if you should, then this article is definitely for you. So, read on and prepare to soak up the reasons for adding hyaluronic acid to your routine

But first, what is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a watery, slippery substance that our bodies naturally produce. This acid is a major component of our extracellular matrix, the network of proteins and other molecules that surround cells and tissues and provide them with support and structure. This acid can be found throughout our body, including our skin, eyes, and joints. 

Why hyaluronic acid should be part of your

skincare routine 

In this section, we'll talk about the benefits of hyaluronic acid, which make it indispensable for any beauty regimen worth its salt.

1. It keeps skin moisturized. 

The importance of hydration can't be stressed enough. We need to stay hydrated to survive. Without ample moisture, we won't be able to regulate our internal temperature; deliver nutrients and oxygen to our cells, tissues, and organs; help the bladder get rid of bacteria, etc. 

The skin, which is the largest organ in our bodies, likewise needs enough hydration to stay healthy. This is where hyaluronic acid comes in. Hyaluronic acid is a humectant, which means it attracts water molecules from the environment and draws these into the epidermis or outer layers of the skin—and keeps them there. As a result, the moisture content in our epidermal cells increases, and you get a plump and dewy complexion. 

A quick tip: Make hyaluronic acid sit directly on your skin below a layer of moisturizer to keep it from evaporating and effectively retaining hydration. Avoid applying the humectant on top of your cream or sunscreen, a common mistake for many people.

2. It promotes collagen production.

Collagen is a unique protein that plays a critical role as the "skin's scaffolding," holding the cells and tissues together and giving strength and suppleness to our skin, bones, muscles, and tendons. Now hyaluronic acid may be an essential ingredient in the synthesis of collagen. Research conducted in 2020 reveals that the compound, together with a purified polynucleotide, enhanced the amount of collagen in the skin and boosted its elasticity. Yet another study showed that hyaluronic acid make fibroblasts more robust by affecting their morphology (size, shape, and structure). Fibroblasts are cells that are vital in the secretion of collagen proteins.

Thus, the higher dose of hyaluronic acid helps your skin stretch and snap back to its original place without creating wrinkles and fine lines. This protects you from premature aging, allowing you to retain your youthful glow for longer.

3. It helps reduce inflammation.

Premature aging can also be brought about by the inflammation of the skin. Our skin can react adversely when exposed to an infection, an allergic reaction, or as a defensive response from our immune system when attacked by microbes. This can manifest in the form of itching, rashes, redness, and even pain and blisters. 

Acute inflammation typically goes away in minutes or days, depending on the severity of the damage to your skin tissue. But if you're suffering from prolonged skin inflammation, you may have underlying health problems that need to be urgently addressed by your physician. In addition, constant irritation can lead to chronic tissue damage. 

Hyaluronic can be a godsend in such cases by expediting the recovery of damaged or wounded skin tissues. Studies show that the molecule can regulate inflammatory responses and prompt our immune system to regenerate more blood vessels in the affected areas. This new blood vessel formation is critical in the healing of wounds and reducing inflammatory symptoms.

4. It protects the skin from bacterial infections.

One of the enablers for microbial colonies to grow is their ability to adhere to the skin. But hyaluronic acid prevents bacteria, germs, and other disease-causing pathogens from taking root and growing. This is because hyaluronic acid has an anti-adhesive or antibiofilm effect that prevents the adhesion of these microbes. 

Also, the acid's antibacterial properties effectively shield the skin from the invasion of disease-causing pathogens. Thus, applying hyaluronic acid directly to open wounds can effectively lower the risk of skin infection

5. It fights against oxidative stress.

Every day, we face many pollutants from the environment, stress, harmful UV rays, an unhealthy lifestyle, and so on. As our skin interfaces with all of these, it goes through oxidative stress, the imbalance between free radicals and our natural antioxidant defenses. Prolonged oxidative stress can lead to DNA damage, skin discoloration, and premature aging. So how can you boost your antioxidant levels to fight the free radicals wreaking havoc on your skin? The solution: the powerful antioxidant called hyaluronic acid.

That's right; hyaluronic molecules have antioxidant properties to help the skin boost its defenses and eliminate oxidants that figure prominently in the aging process. Research shows that hyaluronic acid has protective effects on our DNA, boosting our cells' repair capacity and enhancing cell survival. So, hyaluronic acid improves your skin's ability to effectively combat and survive oxidative stress, leading to even-toned, smooth, and radiant skin.

The Bottom Line

With all the fantastic and scientifically-proven benefits of hyaluronic acid, including it in your skincare routine is a must-do. So, what are you waiting for? Get great-looking and amply-hydrated skin with this miracle molecule. Check out for more amazing beauty and skincare tips.

*This article was a collaboration written by Katie Pierce and expert reviewed by Christina Flach*