WMAP Radio With Christina Flach

I  had the pleasure of speaking with the lovely Capriani from WMAP Radio.

You can check out the interview here.

about all things Pretty and some things in my life that aren't so pretty, but are my reality. It's amazing how we all have many components of our life that are beautiful and exciting and then, of course, there is the reality of parts of our lives that are real and not always the most pleasant. But all these pieces of our life make us who we are and who we decide to be. 

I  love being on a shoot and creating a beautiful image with combined efforts of the entire team. Unless you have been behind the scenes on these projects that turn into an ad or a commercial that you watch on T.V or see in a magazine, you would be shocked to know how many people it takes to create a 20-second commercial. Besides the models, there are stylists, producers, photographers, videographers, lighting, props, and that's just a few of the amazing people it takes to create something we are all passionate about.

There is something to be said for being on a team working towards the same goal and knowing that no one is more important than anyone else. Everyone on this set knows, that we all need each other's skills and brilliance for this to come together.

When I was creating my first product for Pretty Girl Makeup, which was a long-lasting lipgloss with a chemist that formulates makeup. I knew what I wanted the lipgloss to look and feel like, but I had no idea how to execute it. We all need a team in so many aspects of our life to get things done. Take a moment and think about how many people in your work and private life, that are part of your team. It's such a blessing to have friends, family, and coworkers that help us to create a beautiful life and projects that make us who we are.

Today  I  want to honor all the wonderful people in my life that help me create beauty and magic. I  know that  I could never do all I do without the amazing support and love from so many people that I  depend on. My agent Brandi Moore, my publicist Patrice Marrero, the VP of Pretty Girl Cassi Manner who goes beyond the call of duty every single day of the year for me! I  am grateful and blessed to have these three strong, powerful and dynamic women in my corner every day of the year! Today, tell the extraordinary people in your life how much they mean to you. 

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