Japonesque Brow Partnership

Over the course of time, as everything else has, brows and brow shape have evolved as well. We’ve come a long way since the 20's; the poor brows were shaved and drawn back in. Dramatized in the 40’s by Joan Crawford, famous Mommy Dearest, was the queen of dramatic brows. Shortly after, Marilyn Monroe, American icon, had the ideal brow that was both full and wide set while simultaneously short and heavily arched. Brooke Shields had big and powerful brows in the 80's, followed by the super skinny brows of the 90's. These powerful women in America didn’t let their brows fall short as they’re both prominent and powerful features of the face. These women have laid the foundation for what would become the brow obsession today’s women have found themselves lost in trying to obtain the optimal, yet not overdone, brows that we see in all of Kim Kardashian West’s selfies. 

Now, thanks to the Shelter In Place order put into effect by the coronavirus epidemic, it has become clear that obtaining those perfect brows becomes harder to do as your local esthetician, waxer, threader or plucker is now closing their doors to both existing and new clients. We are now forced to take matters into our own hands and figure out how to get these tricky brows done on our own--  a painful process made easier by the following steps. I know we all like to think of ourselves as “skilled” in every aspect of our lives. However, this is not the case when it comes to brows, and I would never suggest waxing or threading without previous training or experience -- stick to plucking until you can make an appointment with your brow specialist. The Japonesque Luxe Brow Kit, Pro Performance Tweezer Duo and the Pro Performance Touch Up Razors are all you need to create and maintain perfect brows both in and out of a quarantine!