Guest Post - How To Improve Your Health From The Inside Out

Are you feeling tired, depleted, or downright depressed? Making a few healthy lifestyle changes can turn things around, or at least give you the strength to cope with all the challenges life throws at you. Of course, adopting healthy habits is always easier said than done. The trick is to keep it simple! Don’t worry about adhering to strict workout routines or diet perfectionism. Aim to make small, healthy choices every day, and you will notice a difference. Here are some simple actions you can take to get your health back on track!

Use Makeup to Spark Confidence

They say beauty is only skin-deep. However, taking care of your physical appearance can have several benefits for your mental health. Applying makeup, for example, can help you regain a sense of control and act as a valuable form of self-care. At Pretty Girl Makeup, we know that makeup can help you learn to love your own skin, improve your sense of self-esteem, and boost your confidence to new levels. The very act of applying cosmetics is a kind of meditative practice in mindfulness. Just be sure to give your skin a break every once in a while!

Makeup can have significant benefits for your mental health. Treat yourself to some self-care shopping and pick up some new cosmetics from Pretty Girl Makeup today!

Stop Settling for Work Stress

Too often, we accept work stress as part of the job. But feeling stressed all day every day is one of the worst things you can do for your health. Stop settling for chronic stress and consider making a career change towards a role that will protect and promote your wellbeing. 

Making a career change is far from easy. Focus on taking small actions every day that drive you towards your goals. This might mean enrolling in an online degree program so you can earn the skills and credentials you need for your dream career. Online universities make it easy to earn a bachelor’s degree while still working a full-time job. For example, the University of Phoenix offers 24 bachelor’s programs to pick from, including business, criminal justice, nursing, psychology, healthcare, and technology.

Let Go of Self-Care Guilt

Do you feel guilty about taking time for self-care? While practicing self-care is essential for your head-to-toe health, it can be hard to dedicate time for yourself when others depend on you. Parents, in particular, know what this is like! As Shine App explains, making time for yourself often means saying no to someone else, and you have to be okay with this. Setting boundaries can feel uncomfortable at first, but it’s important to push past those feelings and focus on your needs. Remember, taking care of yourself means you can take better care of others in the future!

Sip Water Throughout the Day

One of the easiest, cheapest, and fastest ways to support your whole-body health is to drink more water. Did you know that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? That’s a huge portion of the population dealing with fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, irritability, and several other health consequences that come with dehydration. Don’t wait until you’re parched to reach for a glass of water. Keep a water bottle with you at all times and sip it steadily throughout the day.

Take Beneficial Supplements

Another easy way to improve your health is by taking supplements. Just make sure they’re the right ones! Certain supplements tend to be more beneficial than others. For example, research suggests that most people can benefit from taking vitamin D, A, B12, and fish oil. Watch out for supplements that might interact with other medications, such as vitamin K and ginkgo which can increase blood thinning. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before taking new supplements, even if they’re derived completely from natural ingredients.

Health doesn’t have to be complicated. Instead of overwhelming yourself with major lifestyle changes, stick to small but impactful choices that you can make every day. Whether you’re looking to improve your mental, physical, or emotional health, slow and steady is the way to go!