A Guide On How To Look Best For Your Wedding Photos

It doesn’t matter if you’re camera shy or if you are confident as ever. With this guide, we will make sure to help you and your fiancé look best during your wedding photos. We know the idea of being in front of the camera can be stressful, after all having a photographer follow you all day is not something someone gets used to easily. So to help ease your tension and the anxiety creeping in your stomach, you can follow this guide and learn the best tips you can do to look good for your wedding photographs.

Start with Your Photographer

Of course, wedding photos would never be complete without wedding photographers. When you hire your photographer, make sure to hire someone you can trust and someone you can easily get along with. You will be working with this person the whole day of your wedding, from the time you're getting makeup applied, to the end of the party at night. So make sure to hire a photographer not just because you love their work but because they can make you feel at ease and comfortable. You can check a photographer’s personality through their website’s About Me section. There you will learn his or her character and see if you two can vibe. Another excellent way is to book an engagement session. This is a great trial run with your makeup & hair and for you to get comfortable in front of the camera. You’ll also get a good feel for the photographer, before spending all day with them on your wedding day.

Look For the Best Location

A person can easily get comfortable in front of the camera if he or she is comfortable with the environment. If you want to quickly get over your camera shyness, you can talk to your photographer about having your wedding photos in a private location near the venue, so that you can be more at ease. Without having all your family and friends around, you’ll be more comfortable being romantic with your partner, in order to get the best images possible.

Make Sure to Choose the Perfect Hair and Make-up Artist

We understand that you want to look the best version of yourself on your wedding day. That’s why you should make sure to hire a hair and make-up artist whose work amazes you. Before your wedding day comes, make sure to find the right and the perfect make-up artist that you trust and that can give you the best hair and make-up during your wedding day.

Get Some Good Night’s Sleep

We know that you can get all giddy and excited on the day before your wedding. Remember that even if you are too pumped up or too nervous, make sure to get some proper sleep to avoid having a tired appearance on your wedding day. Having a good night’s sleep can also keep your body and mind fresh and energized so you’ll be able to remember the wedding day for the rest of your life. Plus, your make-up artist would surely love to work on a face that had some decent sleep. After all, your skin and your face is the blank canvas where they are going to put on their make-up.

Keep it Natural

Whatever happens, don’t get too caught up with everything. i know that it can be overwhelming but make sure to stay focused and be as confident as ever. Smile naturally and simply enjoy the day.

Weddings can be overwhelming, that’s why we hope that you follow this guide to help you look your best during your wedding day. If you want to bring out your most aesthetic features, schedule an appointment with a professional make-up artist like Christina Flach. And to make your wedding day complete, hire the best photographer in Southern California like Legacy Union, so you can make these memories last a lifetime.